An important tool in our meetings is Nar-Anon conference approved literature: CAL. Using CAL ensures members are hearing the same message no matter where they attend a meeting.
HAL members can request a free copy of Continuing Our Journey After Loss, We Still Belong and The Nar-Anon Blue Book by sending an email to . Other titles can be ordered from Some are also available electronically from Amazon, ibooks or Nook.
Some other CAL titles that our members have found helpful:
- The Nar-Anon 12 Step Program
- Nar-Anon 36 (a 12 step workbook)
- SESH: Sharing Our Experience, Strength and Hope
- Our Traditions; Principles for Groups and Beyond
- Sharing the Slogans
- Sharing Recovery; The Serenity Connection Collection Vol I and II